Discount Codes

We host a variety of sales, discounts, and specials at Raye's Closet through the use of discount codes.

Each discount code will have a separate set of terms and conditions, please pay attention to the details such as specific item(s), date(s), etc... when using discount codes.

Discount Code Entry:

All discount codes must be entered during checkout otherwise you will miss out on the saving for that particular order, we have no access to go back and apply a discount code once you checkout.

Discount codes must be entered exactly as they appear, for example, our Spring 2019 discount code is PLYXRISC; it must be entered IN ALL CAPS exactly as is appears, otherwise the checkout will advise you the code is no longer valid. Copy and paste the code into the checkout to ensure it is entered accurately.

Where are the discount codes?

Discount codes are posted on Headquarters Home as sales happen. Feel free to use the search headquarters feature on the top right to look for discount codes by item or browse through. You can also sign up to follow Raye's Closet via E-mail and receive our posts and discount codes right in your inbox. You can also follow @rayescloset on Twitter &/or Instagram to keep up with promotions and discounts.

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