Order Cancellation Policy

Need to cancel an order?

Orders can be canceled within 3 minutes of origination, please send cancellation requests to orders@rayescloset.com with CANCEL ORDER #(enter your order number) in the subject line. Once processing begins, orders cannot be canceled.

Order Origination Clarification:

Order origination begins when Raye's Closet receives e-mail notification of payment received, immediately after payment is submitted.

Cancellation Requests After 3 Minutes but Within 30 Minutes of Origination:

If you request to cancel an order after the first 3 minutes but within 30 minutes of origination, you can return the unopened package for a refund. You will be responsible for returning the unopened package to Raye's Closet for a refund minus a 10% restocking fee and shipping charges. You may be asked to provide e-mail proof of your cancellation request sent to orders@rayescloset.com prior to receiving a refund. Any e-mail provided as proof of cancellation request must show date & time stamp after the first 3 minutes but within 30 minutes of order origination for an approved unopened package return.

Unopened Package Clarification:

Unopened package refers to the poly mailer, envelope, or box the merchandise was shipped in being unopened and in the state it was originally mailed in. The packaging material such as tape, original shipping label, etc... must not be tampered with.

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